10 Short-Lived WWE Gimmicks You Totally Forgot About

10. Make A Difference (Fatu)

Make A Difference Fatu

Drugs are for losers.

That was the message Fatu wanted to send out when he was repackaged as a walking anti-drugs message in 1995. If you don't remember it, then don't worry. The whole ordeal lasted a few short months before the WWF rebranded the guy under another gimmick as The Sultan (which could easily have been an entry itself).

Fatu, who'd been best-known as a savage who didn't speak English in The Headshrinkers tag-team, suddenly started dropping street knowledge. He constantly crowed about how he was there to 'Make A Difference', and he visited old haunts like his high school to encourage youngsters to live a life free of crime, drug use and alcohol.

The idea wasn't terrible considering the promotion's demographic in the mid-90s, but fans were already begging the WWF to present a babyface with harder edges. Fatu's inspirational ex-gangster guise didn't have that, and so it flopped.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.