10 Short-Lived WWE Gimmicks You Totally Forgot About

9. Just Joe (Joe E. Legend)

Just Joe

Played by Canadian journeyman pro Joe E. Legend, the 'Just Joe' gimmick was one Vince McMahon initially believed had potential, according to Bruce Prichard's 'Something To Wrestle With' podcast. The idea was Joe would act as a backstage informant who was constantly trying to stir the pot. That's not really what fans got.

They got a quasi-jobber who randomly interrupted segments with banal banter.

The character only lasted for a few months in late-2000 before the WWF got bored and dropped it altogether. By the following spring, Joe was deemed expendable and was cut loose from his contrast. So much for that, and so much for a gritty devil's advocate who'd play wrestlers against one another for his own gain.

Some fans may recall seeing Joe pop up in skits with Edge and Christian or Triple H and Kurt Angle. Others might have hazy memories of watching him work matches on low-level shows such as Heat and Metal. That was the extent of his involvement.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.