10 Short-Lived WWE Gimmicks You Totally Forgot About

6. Everyone (Charlie Haas)

Charlie Haas Steve Austin

Between 2002-2004, Charlie Haas was one half of the super-talented Team Angle/World's Greatest Tag-Team with Shelton Benjamin. Both seemed to have huge potential, but WWE picked out Benjamin as the most likely to succeed solo. That left Haas scrambling for something he could do on his own.

Eventually, in 2008, he stumbled upon minor fame as a guy who'd dress up and impersonate various legends and members of the roster. During this time, Haas pretended to be everyone from Steve Austin, Carlito, The Great Khali and Bret Hart to Jim Ross, Mr. Perfect, JBL and John Cena. It was a riotous time, and the multi-personality gimmick was over with fans.

It didn't last.

Haas was released in 2010 after working as enhancement talent on the smaller shows for a year or so. If you've never seen some of his impersonations before, you owe it to yourself to check them out. In particular, everyone needs to see CHL.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.