10 Short-Lived WWE Gimmicks You Totally Forgot About

3. The Meta-Powers (Damien Sandow & Curtis Axel)

meta powers

Ooooh yeah, brother! The Meta-Powers are ready to explode and bring both 'Hulkamania' and 'Macho Madness' to the world. Dig it!

That was the sort of stuff Curtis Axel and Damien Sandow were spewing in promos during their short-lived run as a parody of Hulk Hogan and Randy Savage's Mega-Powers tag-team in 2015. It all came about when Axel started dressing as Hulk, referred to himself as 'AxelMania' and campaigned for a shot at the WWE Title come WrestleMania 31.

Later, he teamed up with cosplay Sandow in May and formed a tag for a few months. 'AxelMania' and 'Macho Mandow' were admittedly entertaining, but the idea was a one-note joke that was never going to last longer than six months or so. It didn't even get that far. WWE canned it when they severed ties with Hogan in July.

Looking back on this now, it lacks the same kind of humour that Charlie Haas' impersonations did. Sandow was decent in his role, but fans started to rebel against Axel's Hulkster gimmick pretty quickly.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.