10 Signs WWE WrestleMania 36 Will Be The Worst Ever

5. Gronk. Everything About Gronk!

The Undertaker AJ Styles

God help us. For reasons which aren't entirely clear, WWE has decided that former football player Rob Gronkowski will be the host of this year's WrestleMania. Given his cringe worthy SmackDown debut a couple of weeks ago, we have a night of terrible dancing, Mojo Rawley, and bad humour to look forward to, and that sounds truly horrible.

There's nothing good to say about "Gronk" based on what we've seen of him in WWE thus far, and while the company is surely hoping his involvement will generate some mainstream media attention, wrestling fans simply don't care about this bozo.

The reaction to his SmackDown appearance was brutal on social media, and it's inevitable that WWE will have him bury an actual superstar in some sort of terrible segment. They were always going to struggle to find a big name host for the Show of Shows thanks to what's happening in the world today, but no host at all would be better than Gronk.

However, we should probably just be grateful that he hasn't been given a main event match!


Josh Wilding hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.