10 Signs You Watch Too Much WWE
5. You Correct People Who Mislabel Moves

We've all been there. You're sitting at your desk and you can't help but eavesdrop on a group of co-workers talking nonchalantly about a subject on which you consider yourself an authority. You want to pipe up and tell them they're totally wrong, but cooler heads prevail, so instead you keep quiet and silently judge them.
But what if you weren't able to show such restraint? There are wrestling fans out there, it appears, who take great pride in correcting trivial mistakes made by their less committed counterparts. Things like pointing out that an inverted, pump-handle power-bomb is completely different from a standing back body-drop tiger suplex.
While it's great (if basically useless) that you have that sort of knowledge backed up in the deep recesses of your mind, it's probably a sign that you should scale back the time you spend on the WWE Network, or at least keep it to yourself. Nobody likes a know-it-all.