10 Signs You Watch Too Much WWE

4. You Actively Seek Out WWE Studios-Produced Films

Daniel Bryan No
WWE Studios

WWE wrestlers are, for the most part, immensely talented at their chosen craft - but few of them can claim to be practiced in the art of Shakespearean acting (except, obviously, for Damien Sandow - who is genuinely practiced in the art of Shakespearean acting).

Backstage segments are just about tolerable when they're confined to one or two minutes tops, but a full hour-and-a-half-long movie starring, say, Kane in the lead role has to be beyond anyone's pale.

Your only excuse for watching them, when there are so many streaming services these days packed with quality content, is that you for some reason have no access to the internet, and consume only direct-to-video releases (the market in which WWE Studios is king).

Otherwise, you should perhaps be concerned if you ever find yourself watching Seth Rollins play a gun-toting special ops agent tasked with investigating the strange happenings at a high-tech military compound. That's 2017's Armed Response, whose plot has been likened to that of a first-person shooter game.

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Daniel Bryan
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