10 Simple Ideas From The Past That Would Save WWE In The Present

8. Drawing Ballots For The Royal Rumble

Royal Rumble

Sometimes the simplest of simple ideas are all that's needed to keep your core audience engaged as well as adding a bit of spice to proceedings, and the Royal Rumble lottery is the simplest and spiciest of them all.

From even the earliest days of God's Own Pay-Per-View, watching some of the Rumble entrants learn their fate on screen has always been a great source of entertainment. As far back as 1989 you can witness the likes of Ted DiBiase doing some business with Slick to garner a better number, as well as The Bushwhackers getting slightly over-excited and legit breaking the tombola so that the poor official has to hold it in place for the rest of the night. And in 2005 there's an ingenious bit of storytelling as Eddie Guerrero cheats his way to a preferred entrance time at the expense of the Nature Boy.

But what's perfect about these simple little vignettes is they aren't just fluff. In fact, as with all good drama, when scripted and performed correctly it can be a valuable little insight into a superstar's character, as well as planting the seeds for the in-ring storytelling that is about to happen in the Rumble itself.

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Mancunian man in London. Film statto. Music geek. Football lover. Quiz maker. Liam Gallagher once told me to fuck off.