10 Simple Ways To Improve WWE SmackDown

1. The Wrestling Show

Smackdown fist

When SmackDown has been at its best, it has been the wrestling show - the show that put sports entertainment to one side and allowed the talent to go out there and do what they do best: wrestle.

This is the perfect opportunity to go back to that idea. WWE currently has a ridiculously talented roster. Relatively bit part players like Neville and Bo Dallas are capable of putting on great matches. If SmackDown can give them the time and the place to do that, it could be huge.

It's a change we can already see within the Intercontinental Title division. While Zayn, Owens, Miz, and Cesaro all have personal feuds, their matches together have mainly focused on how much they want that belt. There wasn't a single potted plant in sight.

WWE is determined to be sports entertainment. There isn't much we can do to change that. However, if SmackDown streamlines the storylines and goes back to focusing on the wrestling, then we might just have something a little bit special on our hands.


A lover of wrestling, heavy music and films with disturbed minds. Follow me at https://twitter.com/Iversen83