10 Simple Ways To Improve WWE SmackDown

7. Create Competition

Smackdown fist

Most people's fondest memories of the Raw and Smackdown divide was back after the original brand split: A time when they weren't just two separate brands but two brands that went to war with each other.

Back then you had Eric Bischoff and Stephanie McMahon feuding via the wrestler's at their disposal, stealing talent from each other and more importantly titles. It felt like it meant something and when a Raw star got to fight a SmackDown one it was genuinely thrilling to see who would come out on top.

Over time, that was diluted. More and more stars started popping up on the other show until eventually the idea was nixed entirely. Now, with this new brand split, WWE has a chance to create competition once again. Ever since the demise of WCW fans have been begging for someone to challenge Vince and force him to up its game; SmackDown could be the show to do that, albeit artificially.


A lover of wrestling, heavy music and films with disturbed minds. Follow me at https://twitter.com/Iversen83