10 Simple Ways To Improve WWE SmackDown

6. Rebrand

Smackdown fist

SmackDown is blue. Apart from that, what is there to set it out from Raw? If you said nothing, you'd be pretty close to being spot on.

If a new SmackDown is to make an impact, then it needs to look the part. WWE needs to strip away the bland set they use at the moment and give it something distinctive. Originally, that was the SmackDown fist, a set which a lot of people get nostalgic thinking about even now.

While going back to that would delight a certain demographic, WWE are a big enough and smart enough company to come up with something new that has the potential to become just as iconic. Making SmackDown look like a cool TV show is as important as it actually being one.


A lover of wrestling, heavy music and films with disturbed minds. Follow me at https://twitter.com/Iversen83