10 Smart Ideas Nobody Gives TNA Credit For

10. Moving Away From Monthly Pay-Per-View

Total Non-Stop Action wrestling has not been a profitable brand on Pay-Per-View. As the company has existed mainly as a private one, numbers visible online can often be sketchy at best. There's little indication suggesting that any published buyrate figures are 100% accurate, but it is true to say that not a whole load of wrestling fans were buying TNA's monthly Pay-Per-View events. Numbers ranging between 8,000-15,000 have been discussed, but whatever the true figures were, TNA decided to abandon monthly PPV in 2013. There's no way the shows can have been big money-makers for the promotion, but there was still an element of surprise when Dixie Carter announced TNA weren't running traditional Pay-Per-Views every month. Such a thing had been the backbone of major wrestling organisations since the mid-90's. In 2013 and 2014, TNA promoted only 4 PPV's, in 2015 that number is down to 2. There are 'One Night Only' and televised specials, but this was a bold and smart move by the company. Why continue to go down a road that's not making money? In similar fashion to hosting multiple TV tapings on the one night, this was cost-cutting, and an example of TNA realising their own failures.
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.