10 Smartest Heel Plans In Wrestling History

5. Mark Henry Pulls The Ultimate Retirement Swerve

Mark Henry John Cena

An angle so outstanding that it still leaves some folks second guessing whether each subsequent in-ring retirement speech is 100% legit nearly a decade on.

Coming into his June 17, 2013, appearance on Monday Night Raw opposite John Cena, Mark Henry had made a few headlines with his post-Extreme Rules strap match loss to Sheamus comments of "I'm going home."

So, when Henry hinted at a potential retirement from in-ring action on Twitter in the lead-up to that June edition of the red show, fans were fully expecting a heartfelt send-off for the dominant powerhouse.

And for a minute there, it felt like that was precisely what was being delivered, with The World's Strongest Man donning his now infamous salmon jacket and telling both WWE Champion Cena and those watching around the world that he was "formally retiring" from the active roster.

In truth, though, this was all a simply stunning ruse designed to lure Super Cena into a devastating trap.

Henry's true ambitions to finally take home the belt that had alluded him his entire career were exceptionally laced throughout said "farewell" speech. But before John or anyone else had a chance to figure that out, The Leader of the Cenation had been epically slammed through the canvas.

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Mark Henry
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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...