10 Smartest Heel Plans In Wrestling History

4. Seth Rollins Buys-In To The Authority

Mark Henry John Cena

A chair-shot heard around the world.

On the back of becoming easily the most popular faction the company had seen in some time and utterly powering through just about every obstacle in their way, The Shield added arguably the most notable notch to their belts yet in the besting of Evolution.

But they don't call him the Cerebral Assassin for nothing, do they?

And fresh off of Batista waving farewell to the WWE Universe and Evolution on June 2, 2014, Trips revealed a plan B that would masterfully rid him of the thorn in his side that was the trio and change up the landscape forever.

Buying in on the "Evolution of Seth Rollins", The Architect of The Shield decided to coldly sever ties with the brothers he would later claim were little more than "business partners", feeling that aligning with The Game's Authority was the wiser move if he wished to succeed on his own.

And with one catastrophic swing of a steel chair, Seth simultaneously stunned the masses and made Papa H mighty proud. After all, it's all about the game, and how you play it...

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Mark Henry
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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...