10 Sneaky WWE Makeovers

2. Bray Wyatt

Bray Wyatt

"Yowie Wowie!", it's Bray Wyatt.

Last year, Wyatt was teaming with Matt Hardy and wasn't in tremendous shape. Granted, he could always hide behind his bushy beard, long (or dreadlocked) hair and violent, manipulative cult-leader gimmick. One day, Bray must've said to himself, "Screw that". He's slimmed down drastically for these 'Firefly Fun House' segments.

This is a slight surprise. Back when he returned in November 2018 at the Starrcade special, Wyatt was pudgy at best and badly needed fresh ideas. To his immense credit, he's svelte in these pre-taped vignettes, has cropped in his hair and trimmed down the bushy beard. He looks a million dollars.

Pics have surfaced online of Wyatt posing with fans, and they show how much progress he's made in the gym. It'll be a much different Bray to the one people last watched inside a WWE ring when he finally ditches the pre-tapes for live action again.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.