10 Sons Of Wrestling Legends Who Failed To Fill Their Father's Boots

7. Shawn Stasiak (Stan Stasiak)

Ted Dibiase Jr Ted Dibiase Snr

The son of former WWWF champion Stan 'The Man' Stasiak, there was inherent name value in Shawn Stasiak, so naturally he debuted in the WWF in 1999 as 'Meat'.

Electing for a skeletal muscle appellation over his inbuilt legacy, perhaps WWE was already well aware that Stasiak Jr. would fail to reach the heights of his Hall of Fame father.

Debuting as a 'boy-toy' of the Pretty Mean Sisters, Meat's undercard push was quickly halted by a succession of defeats, which he explained were regrettably owing to sexual exhaustion.

Reverting to his Stasiak name at the end of 1999, the change bore no fruit as he was fired before the end of the year, after it was discovered he had bizarrely recorded a locker room conversation between Davey Boy Smith and Steve Blackman.

Resurrecting his career as PerfectShawn and forming the characterless Perfect Event tag-team with Chuck Palumbo, Stasiak eventually wound up back in WWE after the WCW buyout in 2001.

Returning as Steve Austin's least favourite member of the Alliance, Stasiak's wrestling career would come to early demise in September 2002 when he requested his release and quietly retired to become a chiropractor.


M is a writer and editor based in Paris.