10 Stages To Setting Up A WWE Arena

7. The Main Screen & Surrounding Area

The lighting rig has been assembled on the floor, tested, and hoisted into position in two phases. While all that has been going on, at one end of the arena the ramp, stage, lower video wall and Gorilla Position have been built. Meanwhile, at the other end of the arena, the 'right' end as the finished product will look on television, another crew sets up the rest of the titantron. As you can see by the image, I have blacked out the area where the ramp, stage and lower video wall will go to try and show you what actually goes up in this part of the operation. Once more, the majority of it is assembled on the floor, tested and then hoisted into position. This leaves a sort of letter box shape that the Gorilla Position half of the stage can be rolled into. Every member of the team is on hand to keep the lower section on 'tramlines' previously taped to the floor to wheel it the full length of the arena and into position. Very clever, eh? In essence, the titantron is made up of two integrated sections that give off the look of one whole structure. Hope you are managing to take all this in...
Content Producer
Content Producer

Video & written Content Producer for WhatCulture Wrestling. NCTJ trained journalist. BA Hons, Sports Journalism.