10 Stages To Setting Up A WWE Arena

8. Gorilla Position

While one team is dealing with the light rig, Gorilla Position is assembled at the other end of the arena. Well, when i say Gorilla position, I mean the complete lower middle section of the titantron. You see, the tron is not one whole structure like it looks on television. The ramp, stage and that video wall just below the main screen that says 'RAW' comes out on rollers. Behind that lower video wall there is a room built onto the back end of the stage which is out of sight from the audience. This is where Gorilla is housed. So that entire lower section is built up at the opposite end of the arena before being wheeled the full length of the building and into position. I hope that makes sense...
Content Producer
Content Producer

Video & written Content Producer for WhatCulture Wrestling. NCTJ trained journalist. BA Hons, Sports Journalism.