10 Staples From Wrestling's Past WWE Must Bring Back
9. Proper Heels
Hardly anybody in today's wrestling landscape can hold a candle to the real heels of wrestling's past.
Kevin Owens is probably the best WWE has at their disposal. He draws the ire of live crowds everywhere with his subtle heat-building tactics, the most infuriating of which sees him feign pulling off a spectacular move before applying a dreaded rest hold instead. He is very, very good at deceiving fans.
But he hasn't yet mastered the art of true heeldom; to do that, he also needs to improve at deceiving referees and opponents to regain the advantage in his matches. He could also do with reigning in his incredible offensive arsenal, which is too diverse and impactful to really jeer him for. Content-hungry fans demand more action these days, but he'd arguably make better strides by employing a less is more approach.
Even more infuriatingly, Stephanie McMahon would be one of wrestling's best heels - if only she focused her act exclusively towards faces and showed them some a** every now and then. A heel should be measured by the catharsis they dole out to the paying public. Her dad was only effective because he p*ssed his pants.
Heels are too often fortuitous or vicious - the plain old cheats are greatly missed. The Revival are one of the hottest acts in WWE for a reason.