10 Startling Stories From WWF's New Generation

8. Vince McMahon Sent Ted Turner Faxes Criticising Nitro Decision

When World Championship Wrestling announced that they were launching Monday Nitro in September, 1995, the WWF were not worried one bit. Over at Titan Towers, Vince McMahon and his assorted officials felt WCW were silly for attempting to go up against Monday Night Raw each week, and felt it would surely only be a matter of time before it was regarded a failed experiment. They were wrong, Nitro provided wrestling fans with a true alternative to the sugar-coated WWF product. Stars were thin on the ground in the WWF, and that's something WCW would take advantage of. Their competitive ratings didn't sit well with McMahon, who decided to cry foul that WCW had merely stolen all his top stars and were cheating wrestling fans by airing on the same day. Over at WCW, Ted Turner was giggling away as he received fax correspondence and letters from McMahon. In each document, Vince criticised Turner for going head-to-head with him, which proved to Ted (and WCW's creative lead Eric Bischoff) that the WWF were feeling threatened by what was going on in Atlanta. They were right, the WWF were.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.