10 Startling Stories From WWF's New Generation

7. Scott Hall Requested To Work In Japan 15 Weeks Per Year

Grossly unhappy at the lack of progression in his pay packet, Scott Hall couldn't shake the feeling that he was in limbo by 1996. Whilst his friends, Shawn Michaels and Kevin Nash, had been pushed up the card and into the main event scene, Razor Ramon was getting set to face Goldust in a feud over the Intercontinental Title. This felt like retreading old ground for Hall. Approaching Vince McMahon, he asked what he had to do in order to get on the same pay scale as his peers. McMahon had remarked that he was delighted with the man's in-ring work and promo ability, so it confused Hall that he was struggling to progress. When Vince knocked back the suggestion that he handed a bigger amount of money each year, Scott made another plea. For 15 weeks each year, he wanted to shoot off and work in Japan. Hall's thinking behind this was that he wouldn't be in competition with McMahon's WWF, but would also be able to supplement his income. The head honcho that employed him in North America was not interested. This could be the moment Hall decided he would look elsewhere in the country, seeking advice from his friend DDP over in WCW.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.