10 Stiffest Wrestling Clotheslines Ever

5. Takeshi Morishima

As far as working stiff and the reality of physicality in professional wrestling goes, it's hard to look past the Japanese. There's two in these selected five. First is Morishima, who is essentially a Japanese Husky Harris in look and style. A frequent performer in Pro Wrestling Noah since his debut in 1998, amongst other promotions, Morishima has built up a well-earned reputation as one of the harshest wielders of the Lariat and frequently uses it as a finishing move. Take a listen to the impact in the one he performs in the video above and note the level of contact upon the bumper. He performs that level of strike pretty much every time he steps in the ring. Unnecessary? Yes. Does it add to the effect of the fight? Absolutely. It's really what Japanese wrestling is all about.
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