10 Stiffest Wrestling Clotheslines Ever

6. Ultimate Warrior On Bob Emery- WWF Superstars Of Wrestling, 1988

This clothesline has become somewhat infamous in recent months, since Warrior's death, as it was around the time of this clothesline on Emery from a forgotten episode of WWF Superstars that Warrior began to receive his big singles push. It was no coincidence, being 80s WWF that he'd also been juicing heavily at the time, inducing years worth of concurrent abuse which can only have aided and abetted his premature passing. In this squash match against long forgotten jobber Bob Emery, Emery makes the mistake of enraging the Warrior with a few legit cheap shots and a hair pull at the top of the match, resulting in Warrior unleashing a dangerous clothesline which causes Emery's head to snap up and down totally before he'd even hit the canvas. This video above shows the strike in super slow motion, so as to highlight the impact. Emery never wrestled another match in the WWF after this one- whether by Warrior's politicking or for concern of his own well-being, that's another question. As it was, I'm sure he didn't miss suffering shots like this one once his career was done. Now, we move on to 5 guys who've made the clothesline and Lariat a fixture in their moveset over the years. These are the 5 who've done it best and hardest!
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