10 Stone Cold Stunners That Shocked The World

9. Kurt Angle - InVasion 2001

By all accounts, Steve Austin was at his most erratic in 2001, resulting in some truly despicable acts that year (more on that later). Fans refused to accept this altered-rattlesnake, however - all they wanted was the old Stone Cold Steve Austin back. It seemed Austin was finally going to relent when he courageously stormed the ring the night before the InVasion pay-per-view to the jubilation of the crowd, stunning any member of the Alliance he saw and saving his fellow WWE comrades in the process. This return to classic form was short-lived however, as towards the conclusion of the match, Austin hit the Stone Cold Stunner on an unsuspecting Kurt Angle who he had been valiantly fighting alongside, costing them the match and inexplicably joining the Alliance. Austin's fans around the world and those in attendance had been betrayed yet again.

Long time, die hard WWE fanatic. Unapologetic Brock Lesnar fanboy.