10 Stone Cold Stunners That Shocked The World

8. Josh Mathews - WrestleMania XXVII

Clip In one of the most head scratching booking decisions in recent WrestleMania history, Jerry 'The King' Lawler was set to go one on one with fellow commentator and non-wrestler Michael Cole. Stone Cold was the special guest referee in this bout and after a 14 minute match which lasted about 13 minutes too long, Lawler made Cole tap to the ankle lock. Lawler's celebration was brief, however, as after he toasted beers with Austin, fellow broadcast partner Josh Mathews announced that the anonymous Raw GM had reversed the decision due to Austin's meddling. This naturally didn't sit well with either Austin or Lawler, who grabbed the defenceless Mathews and threw him to the wolves (aka Austin) to receive a Stunner. This one seemed a little harsh to me - poor Josh was only the messenger!

Long time, die hard WWE fanatic. Unapologetic Brock Lesnar fanboy.