10 Stone Cold Stunners That Shocked The World

6. Stone Cold Steve Austin - Raw (March 2001)

No one is safe from the Stunner - not even Stone Cold himself, which he found out the hard way on an episode of Raw leading up to WrestleMania X-Seven. Austin was set to face The Rock for the WWE Championship at the historic event, and tensions were at their highest leading up to their almighty clash. On one particular episode of Raw after toasting a tag team victory together, The Rock blindsided the unsuspecting Rattlesnake with his very own version of the Stunner, shocking the audience and sending a message loud and clear to Austin - before it was business but now it was personal. As for Steve's response, we all know what happened at that year's WrestleMania; Austin brutally decimated the Rock with a steel chair in order to capture the title from him. Lesson learnt, People's Champ...you don't steal Stone Cold's move and get away with it!

Long time, die hard WWE fanatic. Unapologetic Brock Lesnar fanboy.