10 Stone Cold Stunners That Shocked The World

5. Linda McMahon - Raw Homecoming 2005

Ranking at number four of this list (and at number one if this list was ranking the most dreadful looking Stunners in history) is Linda McMahon. During a particularly dragged-out segment of the Raw Homecoming show which featured Vince McMahon running through a slideshow of all the times he got the better of Austin, he was mercifully interrupted by the man himself, who wasted little time in dropping him with the Stunner. Following this, Austin himself would be interrupted twice by both Shane and Stephanie McMahon. Each one would be met with an unceremonious Stone Cold Stunner and left lying in the middle of the ring, with the crowd cheering louder each time. Ever the voice of reason, Linda then came down to the ring with the intention of subduing Austin to stop any further carnage. Surely Linda would never be subjected to the same fate as the rest of her family though? At first, that would seem the case as after some harmless flirting, Austin toasted a beer with the Boss' wife as the segment appeared to come to a close. This would all just be a ruse, however, as the hell-raising Stone Cold completed the set and dealt Linda one of the most atrocious, yet most shocking Stunners of all-time. This one has to be seen to be believed.

Long time, die hard WWE fanatic. Unapologetic Brock Lesnar fanboy.