10 Stone Cold Stunners That Shocked The World

3. Mae Young - Badd Blood 2003

During the "Redneck Triathlon" between Steve Austin and Eric Bischoff, one of the rounds involved having to kiss sweet old Mae Young. Once it was Austin's turn with Mae, rather than go through what Bischoff just did, Austin opted to not only forfeit the round but also give the 80-year-old woman a Stone Cold Stunner. Unlike other times where Austin delivered the Stunner to women, which was either met with approval from the fans or used to intentionally garner heat, this Stunner was met with near-dead silence from the Houston crowd. Nobody found Austin's actions entertaining, and the lasting image of a supposed babyface Steve Austin toasting a beer to the shocked crowd in attendance, whilst an assaulted old lady lie motionless in the ring, is one of the most awkward and armchair squirming moments in recent history.

Long time, die hard WWE fanatic. Unapologetic Brock Lesnar fanboy.