10 Stone Cold Stunners That Shocked The World

4. Goldberg - WrestleMania XX

Goldberg vs. Brock Lesnar lives on in infamy as one of the most disappointing matches ever. With both on their way out of WWE, fans booed them out of the building, leading them to do the bare minimum in the ring in order to get out of there as soon as they could. For what it matters, Goldberg ended up picking up the victory that night and began toasting beers with special guest referee Steve Austin, with Lesnar lying outside the ring having already received a Stunner as a goodbye present. Then, without warning, Austin dropped Goldberg as well with another Stunner to the crowd's overwhelming approval. This one wasn't expected at all considering Austin and Goldberg had been on the same page throughout the whole storyline, but considering the reception Goldberg received that night from the New York crowd, it seemed the Rattlesnake had very little choice but to drop him on that stack of dimes he callas a neck...

Long time, die hard WWE fanatic. Unapologetic Brock Lesnar fanboy.