10 Stories From Bobby Heenan's One-of-a-Kind Career

9. Taking A Fan To Task

Bobby Heenan

You remember what we said in the intro about Heenan being "warm and generous" with the fans? Well, it turns out that didn't extend to those who were rude and belligerent, as one spectator found out when they spat at him outside a show in Winnipeg.

Heenan recalled in his autobiography that a pair of cops held the fan down for him as he punched out what few remaining teeth he had left, which really puts into perspective just how lightly that guy who nudged CM Punk in the back a few years ago got off.

Of course, Heenan's story is almost certainly greatly embellished (or else two Canadian cops probably landed themselves in hot water), but if nothing else: he was able to find humour in being spat at by a man with no teeth.

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Bobby Heenan
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