10 Stories From Bobby Heenan's One-of-a-Kind Career

8. Protecting Kayfabe

Bobby Heenan

Here's another possibly (read: probably) apocryphal tale, but one that bears inclusion because, if is true, then it's just about the greatest story in wrestling history.

Heenan explained in his autobiography that he and his contemporaries would go to just about any length to protect the wrestling industry's untold secrets, even - where possible - separating the faces from the heels when travelling to and from the arenas.

When a group of people stumbled on them hanging out in their hotel, then, there was only one thing for it: a mass brawl, which included - according to 'The Brain' - the only bump Crusher ever took.

But it was all completely pointless, since it turned out that the bemused group who watched them fight had absolutely no idea who they were.

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Bobby Heenan
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