10 Stories From Bobby Heenan's One-of-a-Kind Career

3. Pranking Flight Attendants

Serving drinks at 40,000 feet is probably a tough gig at the best of times, but it gets a whole lot more difficult if Bobby Heenan is on the same flight.

During an appearance on RF Video, Greg Gagne claimed that 'The Brain', after feigning injury in order to get a seat upgrade, would unzip his pants so that his "joint" (Gagne's words) was "hanging out" (also Gagne's words) when the attendant lifted the meal tray up from his lap.

Perhaps a little inappropriate, but he also convinced the flight crew to chant the Japanese for "big c**k" after telling them it meant "happy birthday" in English, which is good, wholesome fun (especially if you were in the handful of passengers on board who understood what they were really saying).

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Bobby Heenan
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