10 Stories From Bobby Heenan's One-of-a-Kind Career

2. Stiff Upper Lip

That famous incident in Chicago wasn't the only time Heenan was shot at ringside, although the second time it happened - thankfully - the assailant, apparently another fan who took the wrestling business a little bit too seriously, only used a (mostly) harmless air rifle.

Having taken a shot right in the arm, Heenan explained in a shoot interview with fellow managerial great Jim Cornette, his natural instinct was to scream and yelp in pain (and, presumably, call security to have the fan ejected from the building and given a well-deserved lifetime WWE ban).

But then he remembered the golden rule of wrestling: never break character. And so, instead, he stood there silently wetting himself and pretending that he couldn't feel a thing.

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Bobby Heenan
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