10 Strangest Articles That Ever Appeared In WWE Magazine

2. Virgil Makes The Cover?

virgil wwe

Virgil’s notoriously had some peculiar moments in the wrestling business, such as selling autographs in subway stations, and campaigning to raise $1 million on GoFundMe for the sole reason to make him a millionaire, and having some bizarre run-ins with fans.

Another peculiar moment came in the August 1993 edition of WWF Magazine which hilariously included a mock-up cover dedicated to Virgil in its pages, featuring such headlines as ‘Virgil. The Man, The Legend!’, ‘Path to Greatness: Virgil’s Rise To Prominence’, ‘Virgil And Victory: A Prolific Profile’ and ‘VirgilMania! Uniting The Universe’.

The story goers the mock-up was an inside joke from the WWF Magazine writers after Virgil continuously bothered them about putting him on the cover, even though he was being used on TV to mostly put over upcoming talents at the time and it was well past his peak of being the bodyguard for the "Million Dollar Man" Ted DiBiase.

virgil wwf magazine

There’s an argument that the mock-up cover is more well-known than the actual cover of Bret Hart delivering a Sharpshooter that month. Though it’s a good thing the Editor went with Bret for the cover, as VirgilMania probably wouldn’t have sold as well.


Rex Jones hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.