10 Strangest Products Wrestlers Tried To Endorse

8. Fuel In a Bottle - Ric Flair

Fuel in a Bottle is exactly what it sounds like, an energy drink in a shot sized bottle designed to turn weak and drowsy humans and turns them into charisma-filled superhumans. So who better to market this product than the living embodiment of an energy drink - The Nature Boy, Ric Flair himself?

The company behind the product made a wise choice in having Flair act as an energy drink genie who pops in from out of nowhere to tell tired folk to pick themselves by taking a shot of Fuel in a Bottle. It is an ingenious marketing move by the company.

The best part of these commercials is when right after taking a shot, the drinker is so amped that they instinctively let out Ric Flair's famous catchphrase, " Woo." Ric Flair even goes as far as to credit the drink with putting the "Woo in his Woo" whatever that means.

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I am Kevin the Great. love movies, especially Indian movies, and wrestling. I also believe that Assassin's Creed is the greatest game series ever, fight me.