10 Strangest Products Wrestlers Tried To Endorse

7. Mobil Motor Oil - Hulk Hogan

Hulk Hogan is an American hero. He protected America and the WWF from foreign menaces like the Iron Shiek, turncoat SGT. Slaughter and Yokozuna. And of course, on the back of that, here he is selling oil is selling Saudi Arabian Mobil Motor Oil to Saudia Arabians... What?

Now, Hogan selling car oil is not that strange, but him selling car oil in a foreign language to people that speak the same language as his foreign foes takes the whole thing over the top. Yes, all American Hulk Hogan is speaking Arabic to a Saudi Arabian audience, to sell them car oil. Speaking a language that he is not fluent in, in his trademark gruff and over the top delivery to sell oil to foreigners, seems entirely out of place and quite antithetical to what Hulk stood for.

Moreover, the constant cutting away to Hulk Hogan wrestling doesn't seem to make sense. Are they implying that using Mobil Motor Oil, you could defeat car troubles like Hogan defeated Andre the Giant at WrestleMania? Whatever the case may -be, this truly is a beautiful ad.

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I am Kevin the Great. love movies, especially Indian movies, and wrestling. I also believe that Assassin's Creed is the greatest game series ever, fight me.