10 Strangest Products Wrestlers Tried To Endorse

6. Tracfone - Jeff Jarrett

It's incredible to see how technology has evolved over the last two decades. Phones used to be the size of laptops that one had to carry around in a separate bag or backpack, and their only function was to make phone calls. The Tracfone was cutting edge at the time, and who best to endorse such a cutting edge phone? Well, Jeff Jarrett, of course.

In this commercial, Jeff is just beating up jobbers and yelling at the viewer about how awesome and unbeatable he is while holding a phone. Even in an ad about the phone, Jeff Jarrett still finds a way to put himself over. Creativity points must be given to whoever came up with the idea to link a wrestling ring to a phone ringing. Truly brilliant.

One of the remarkable things that stick out about this endorsement is the actual price of the phone. Only 50 dollars for a Nokia phone?! Even back then, was a pretty sweet deal. What a time to be alive!

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I am Kevin the Great. love movies, especially Indian movies, and wrestling. I also believe that Assassin's Creed is the greatest game series ever, fight me.