10 Strangest Products Wrestlers Tried To Endorse

4. Scent Killer - Brock Lesnar

Brock Lesnar's three favorite things are big trucks, big bucks, and T-bone steaks. He, like most Vikings, is an avid hunter who loves to spend his free time single imposing his will on puny wild animals. Any hunter worth their hunt uses scent killers to hide their human stench from being picked up by the animal they are hunting. This makes it easier for hunters to sneak up on their prey and useful tool to have for ordinary hunters.

However, there are a few things weird about Brock Lesnar endorsing this product. For starters, it is just an odd product for anyone who is not a hunter. Secondly, Brock Lesnar is not just an average human, so this scent killer probably won't work on him regardless of how supercharged it is. His presence will always be felt no matter what. Thirdly Brock Lesnar does not look like the type who hides and waits for an opportunity to strike. He is someone who rips his shirt off while charging face into a pride of lions, before one-punching them to the shadow realm.

If anything, the animals need a scent killer to hide from him.

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I am Kevin the Great. love movies, especially Indian movies, and wrestling. I also believe that Assassin's Creed is the greatest game series ever, fight me.