10 Strangest Products Wrestlers Tried To Endorse

3. Hitachi Bigflow Air Conditioner - Hulk Hogan

Hulk Hogan endorsing anything would be fun to watch. Hulk Hogan endorsing a Japanese air conditioner while singing the days of the week in English is pure genius. Someone who has the charisma and size of Hulk Hogan would be expected to endorse things like cars, trucks, and protein shakes. So endorsing a product like Hitachi Bigflow Air Conditioner is a good attempt by him at widening his acting chops. Not to mention, he is also showing a wide range in his singing ability.

The commercial is just him singing the alphabet while looking at a baby while a narrator speaks over him. However, the company missed the boat by not having the immortal one speak Japanese to in the commercial. It would have been interesting to watch Hulk Hogan sell the air conditioner in the language of his foreign foe Yokozuna, but oh well.

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I am Kevin the Great. love movies, especially Indian movies, and wrestling. I also believe that Assassin's Creed is the greatest game series ever, fight me.