10 Stunning Incidents Which Led To Wrestlers Being Fined

6. WWE Headliners Fined In "Heat Of The Moment"

WWE television moves so quickly nowadays that it's likely many fans don't even remember a June, 2013 Street Fight battle between Daniel Bryan and Randy Orton from Monday Night Raw. So much content has been thrown at grappling enthusiasts since then, and in the modern age, two years may as well be two decades. During the match, which is well worth going back to watch once more, Bryan and Orton used all the typical weapons of WWE's sanitised PG environment, including steel chair shots to the back, brawling around ringside, and the trusty kendo stick. One thing which irked WWE management however, was that the duo used a chairshot to the head during the bout. Commenting after, Triple H remarked that the promotion simply don't allow such action anymore (more on that later), and thus both Bryan and his opponent, Orton were fined by top brass. It still remains unclear just how much of a financial penalty both were levied with, but Orton has since commented in interviews, "Trust me, it was enough".

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.