10 Stunning Wrestling Autobiography Admissions

4. Brock Lesnar's Parents Didn't Tolerate Failure

Just looking at Brock Lesnar tells everybody, loud and clear, that the man was a born winner. Seemingly bred from birth to physically run roughshod over any obstacle in his path, the beauty of Lesnar is that his current WWE character is entirely believable. Backed by his previous feats in Amateur wrestling and MMA, there are few who would doubt Brock's credentials. The question is, where did such a warrior spirit come from? The man isn't exactly brash, and in fact doesn't really say a great deal, letting others do all of the talking. That side of his personality isn't even a character - time and time again his book, 'Death Clutch', the mountain of a man describes his dislike at people prying into that personality and his personal life. One stunning admission comes early in the read, after Lesnar had failed to win an Amateur grappling competition as a child. Entering the car, his parents lecture Brock on the failure, telling him that losing isn't good enough. It's startling to read, and shows the pressure the man was under from a very young age to succeed at everything he was involved in.
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.