10 Stunning Wrestling Autobiography Admissions

5. The Hitman Didn't Like The Game

Renowned by many as one of the greatest grappling books ever written, Bret Hart's tale of growth, dominance, downfall and reflection is one which has even been enjoyed by non-wrestling fans. Sure, there are those and such as those who feel the Hitman is pretty full of himself, referring to his stature of "hero" a little too much for the liking of some, but it's still a pulsating read. At the time of writing, Hart hadn't yet made up with Shawn Michaels over the aforementioned 'Montreal Screwjob' controversy, but the pair would settle a lot of bad blood upon Bret's WWE return in 2010. Almost 13 years of hatred seemed to dissipate quickly, and both were roundly applauded for trying to make a stab at friendship. Another who is heavily criticised in the story is Triple H, a man Hart seems to view as little more than a lackey to Michaels. It's strange to read about a guy as powerful as Triple H is now carrying bags, and being written about with such disgust. If recent interview comments are anything to go by - Bret infamously rated HHH as being a "2 out of 10 wrestler" - this is one relationship which hasn't improved, and the numerous subtle barbs Hart fired off at Triple H in his book won't have helped.
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Bret Hart
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.