10 Stupidest Decisions By WWE In 2005

1. Airing The Muhammad Hassan/Undertaker Terrorism Angle

Muhammad Hassan really is one of the biggest 'What Ifs?' in WWE history. He arrived on WWE screens in later 2004, proclaiming to be a victim of American prejudice and discrimination post-9/11. It was an interesting twist and could have been so much more that your typical 'evil foreigner' type that WWE like to present. WWE being WWE, they naturally made it just that, and mere weeks into his run Hassan (and manager Daivari) was like a modern-day Iron Sheik. Still, despite the black-and-white nature of the character and subsequent diluted intrigue, Hassan was given a hearty push, including being put into matches with the likes of Hulk Hogan and Shawn Michaels. Then he was transferred over to Smackdown in the draft and was matched up with The Undertaker, a huge test for any rookie. As a way to draw heat and create more of an issue in the run-up to their match at the Great American Bash, WWE presented a controversial angle at the July 5th Smackdown tapings. In short - masked, terrorist-like men clad in ski masks attacked The Deadman in the ring and garrotted him with piano wire, before hoisting a downed Daivari into the air and carrying him off, as if he was a martyr-like figure. It was close-to-the-bone, controversial stuff, but unfortunately for WWE it would become even more so following some very real-life events. The angle was taped on July 5th but didn't air until the 7th, the day of the London Undergound bombings. Yes, WWE regrettably aired this terrorism-themed angle on the day of a horrific real world terrorist attack. It resulted in the mainstream media condemning WWE (who claimed they didn't have time to edit/remove the footage) and the president of UPN requesting the immediate removal of Muhammad Hassan from Smackdown. So, come the Great American Bash, WWE were 'forced' to write Hassan out of storylines. He, his henchmen and Daivari were battered by The Undertaker and Hassan was then given a Last Ride through the stage. Last Ride indeed - Hassan was history, all because of one ill-judged and badly-timed angle.

Student of film. Former professional wrestler. Supporter of Newcastle United. Don't cry for me, I'm already dead...