10 Stupidest Things That Ever Happened In TNA

7. EV 2.0

EV 2.0 TNA
Impact Wrestling/TNA

At least 'Kings Of Wrestling' tried something different. It wasn't good, but the Elvis jumpsuits were a complete departure from everything Nash, Hall and Jarrett had done before. The same cannot be said for the woeful 'EV 2.0', which was TNA's attempt to steal some of that sweet ECW goodness WWE profited from.

It was five years too late.

In 2010, old ECW favourites like Tommy Dreamer, Raven, Rhino, Stevie Richards and more teamed up with top stars Mick Foley and Rob Van Dam (but not Rob Dam Van) to infiltrate TNA and prove that hardcore could ride again. It was a miserable failure, and only succeeded in proving that the tweaked Hardcore Justice pay-per-view was a poor man's One Night Stand.

To top it all off, TNA couldn't use the ECW name. They had to go with 'EV 2.0', which meant nothing to fans, and ballsed things up by name-dropping Extreme Championship Wrestling several times - announcers had a seriously tough time staying away from that. Who can blame them?

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Rob Van Dam
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