10 Stupidest Things That Ever Happened In TNA

6. Samoa Joe's Mystery Kidnappers

Samoa Joe Kidnapped TNA
Impact Wrestling/TNA

Generally, wrestling fans like some closure to major storylines. For example, though Rikishi being outed as the guy who ran down Steve Austin in 1999 sucked (even more so when Triple H replaced 'Kish and ended his main event aspirations), it was a conclusion. Everybody could move on.

TNA thought differently.

They never revealed who was behind a 2010 angle that saw masked ninja-looking thugs beating up Samoa Joe and dragging him into a van. Instead, Joe waltzed back onto TV a mere two months later and the kidnapping was never acknowledged again. It was like fans watching had imagined the whole thing.

Maybe TNA realised they were running short on credible babyfaces, because any plan they did have for Joe's return was scrapped in favour of a smiling comeback. The Samoan's 'Nation Of Violence' disappeared, and the masked men were never exposed.

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Rob Van Dam
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.