10 Stupidest WWE Firings Ever

7. Serena

Most WWE fans remember Serena as the woman who had her head shaved bald by CM Punk as she was inducted into the Straight Edge Society during a January 2010 episode of Smackdown. She is also a very talented wrestler, mind, even though she never really got to show that in WWE. That's because she was released in August 2010 due to reportedly not living up to the gimmick. Apparently, Serena liked to drink after the shows and was seen being intoxicated in public, something which obviously went against Punk's message. In the 'WWE 50' book, Punk talked about the angle that WWE had planned for them:
The debut of SmackDown on Syfy was supposed to be a huge wedding, me and Serena. God knows Vince loves weddings, back to Uncle Elmer. But she tanked the whole thing: I can€™t say it enough. I don€™t want to sit here and boo boo face and bash Serena, but what she did can€™t be undone. I€™ve gotten apologies and all that, but you can€™t believe somebody who€™d lie to your face. I€™d ask her if she€™d been drinking. She€™d say €˜no.€™ 'Okay, I€™m not your dad. I€™m not your counselor. I can€™t control you. But you told me you were going to do one thing, and you did the opposite,€™ I said. It led to her getting fired. Wake up! But I wish her the best.
It sounds like she made a mistake, but to fire her over something like that seems harsh, especially since she was only 24 years old and so talented in the ring. She never really got a chance to show what she could do in the ring even though she was better than most of the women that WWE had at the time. They could have suspended or fined her for her indiscretion. Firing seems way too harsh.
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John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to mrjohncanton@gmail.com with any questions or comments as well.