10 Superstars Failed By The WWE System
9. David Hart Smith

One of several second generation stars ditched in recent years, the son of Davey Boy Smith was still in need of fine-tuning during his time with the company, but was given little window to improve in the abandoned WWE tag team scene.
After a late-2007 soft launch ended in a Wellness Policy violation, Smith showed remarkable maturity in requesting a move back to developmental for further seasoning, and it was during this run he'd pair with TJ Wilson (later Tyson Kidd) and hone the act that should have afforded the second generation star a long and successful career within WWE.
Returning to the main roster in mid-2009 to work with Kidd and Natalya Neidhart as 'The Hart Dynasty', the trio made a quick impression on third brand ECW, earning them a move to Smackdown and enough steam to challenge then-Tag Team Champions D-Generation-X to a title match at the end of the year.
An appearance in the Bret Hart/Vince McMahon match at April 2010's WrestleMania 26 seemed to position the unit for big things, but a worthless Tag Team title reign mid-way through the year offered little, and their eventual split favoured newly-minted heel Kidd over the bland rudderless face Smith.
Admitting WWE had sapped his passion, Smith was released in mid-2011 after a disparate stint.