10 Superstars That Hit Rock Bottom After WWE

3. Justin Credible

The former ECW star fell upon hard times in 2009. Despite being a pro wrestler for the previous 17-years and representing WWE for almost seven of them, Credible fell on hard times and was forced to work in the kitchen of an Olive Garden, apparently one step up the food-chain from flipping burgers in McDonalds. This entry makes the list because in compassion more than anything else. From wrestling for WWE to a career in a kitchen represents a pretty steep decline. Although in the bigger picture the change in field showed some progress for Credible, who had reportedly been struggling with drug problems for a period of time before. Mick Foley took to his fourth book, Countdown to Lockdown, to defend the former eight-time WWE Hardcore Champion:
"How about being a chef at a restaurant? Justin Credible (former ECW champion) does just that at an Olive Garden, and gets taunted by fans because of it. For doing something he enjoys, that he trained for, that he wanted to do. I don't want to single out wrestling fans as being particularly cruel, especially after having heard the worst that baseball and football fans have to offer. But some of our fans who read the Internet sites, who are familiar with some of the inside sheets, assume that their knowledge is some kind of license to be hurtful or insensitive or mean."
Credible is the creator of Pro Wrestling 101 on YouTube and makes sporadic appearance at wrestling events in America.
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Video & written Content Producer for WhatCulture Wrestling. NCTJ trained journalist. BA Hons, Sports Journalism.