10 Superstars Who Could Take WWE Title Off Brock Lesnar

7. CM Punk

Brock Lesnar Adam Cole

This is the longest of shots. We may never see Punk in a WWE ring, or any ring, ever again. It is however, ever so slightly more likely than it was a month ago. Who knows how much more likely it will be next month? Or six months from now? Basically, you can get used to seeing Punk on lists like this indefinitely.

There are all sorts of storyline possibilities with this one and the potential for some mouthwatering promo battles between Punk and Paul Heyman.

Ultimately of course it’s not about finding the angle. That’s the easy bit. It’s about building that lengthy bridge Punk talked about on WWE Backstage.

But Punk/Lesnar is the sort of match that could sell a WrestleMania. Punk has been the champ before but can ‘The Voice of The Voiceless’ resist the lure of the ‘Mania Main Event that always eluded him? Or the accompanying massive fee?

Just don’t bring up his UFC record.


Chris Chopping is a writer, YouTuber and stand up comedian. Check out his channel at YouTube.com/c/chrischopping. His dream job would be wrestling Manager and he’s long since stopped reading the comments section.... Follow him @MrChrisChopping on Twitter.