10 Superstars Who Could Take WWE Title Off Brock Lesnar
3. Randy Orton
By all accounts, Randy Orton’s nasty pr*ck “character” isn’t too far removed from his actual personality. It looked as though he had settled into playing that role on screen for the long haul.
Lately however, he seems to have quietly transitioned into a tweener role which, if nothing else, makes it easier to fantasy book him into feuds with top heels.
“Fantasy” is the wrong word; few fans would be lining up to see a boring Randy Orton title reign off the back of a boring methodical title fight. It’s all too plausible though, with WWE probably viewing ‘The Viper’ as a safe pair of hands.
The pair have history and they could draw on that time ‘The Beast’ caved in Randy’s head with his elbows. Plus, if you need to defeat a monster like Brock it probably helps to have the most protected finisher in the company in your arsenal.
Should WWE give Randy Orton another WWE title run? Probably not. Will WWE give Randy Orton another WWE title run? Don’t bet against it.